Conferences & Talks
“Deepening the Conversations between Adrienne Rich and the Movements of Our Times.” Sinister Wisdom x Poetry Foundation, Los Angeles, CA
“Be Gay, Do Crime: Teaching queer & trans poetics in dangerous times.” AWP Conference, Kansas City, MO
“Chosen Family: Making Kinship Among Queer Poets.” AWP Conference, Kansas City, MO
“Deaf & Donne.” The Renaissance Collective
“Sonnots: Questioning, resisting, & defying received valuations.” SMU Symposium on Poetic Form, University Park, TX
“The Pocket Epic: Poets Writing at Length.” AWP Conference, Seattle, WA
“Publishing Air: Deaf Poetics & the WRONG-WRONG of Publishing.” Crip Talks, Poetry Foundation
“Permission to Pursue Pleasure: On Laura Hershey & Constance Merritt.” Lesley University MFA, Cambridge, MA
“A Form for What Haunts You: Using Fixed Forms to Write About Trauma.” AWP Conference, Philadelphia, PA
“The Line / The Stanza.” Utah Poetry Festival, Salt Lake City, UT
“Among the Unrest: A Poetry Roundtable.” PAMLA, Las Vegas, NV
“Disability Poetics & Beyond: Access, Inclusion, & Justice.” Lavender Conversation Series, Massachusetts
College of Liberal Arts (2021)
“Inventions in Sound.” BBC Broadcast by Raymond Antrobus, with Christine Sun Kim
"Meditations on Sound: What Is It, Why Is It, &, well, Is It?” Sarah Lawrence Poetry Festival
"Ugh, Sonnets: On Our Inherited Form.” SUNY Fredonia
“Experimental by Exclusion: Deaf Poetics, Conceptual Poetics, & What Experimental Can Mean.” Utah State University
"Deafing the Sonnet.” Sonnets from the American Conference, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
“Deaf/HoH Access for Literary Spaces.” Open Mouth Reading Series, Fayetteville, AR
"Cripping & Deafing the Book Tour.” AWP Conference, San Antonio, TX (postponed to 2021, then declined for inaccessibility)
"Deaf Sound: On Lineation, Hip Hop, & the Queerly Trans Disabled Body.” Sarah Lawrence College, Yonkers, NY
“Laura Hershey: An Unsung Master.” Lawndale Art Center, Houston, TX
“On Gender, Feminism, Disability & Poetics.” Millersville University, Millersville, PA
"How we need another soul to cling to: Writing Love Poems in Difficult Times.” AWP, Portland, OR
"Disability Poetics & the Embodied Form." MLA, Chicago, IL
"Going Home, Staying Gone." Poetry Society of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
"John Donne's Legacies in Contemporary Poetry." The John Donne Society Annual Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland
"Just Be Yourself & Teach Us: Disabled & Deaf Writers and the Imaginary Nondisabled & Nondeaf General Audience." NonFiction NOW Conference, Phoenix, AZ
"Dis Poetics / Crip Poetics: Against Reasonable Accommodation." New Disability Poetics Symposium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
LGBT Youth Action Conference. Pennsylvania Youth Congress, Harrisburg, PA
"Gender Outlaws: Teaching Gender Identity in Creative Writing." AWP Conference, Tampa, FL
"Red State Writers Resist: Strategies for Writing & Living in a Red State." Split This Rock, Washington DC
"Had I Said It With My Hands: A Reading & Talk with Poet Meg Day on Rejecting Reasonable Accommodation." DEAFinitions: Deaf Studies Conference, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA
"Poetic Activism & the Manifesto of Resistance." Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
"Breaker! Breaker!: On Lineation, Hip Hop, & the Queer Disabled Body." University of Minnesota, Mankato, MN
"Accommodating Ableism: How Creative Writing Privileges Normates & What We Are Doing About It." Creative Writing Studies Conference, Black Mountain, NC
"Perspectives: A Talk on Deaf Performance & Ramesh Meyyappan's BUTTERFLY." The Ware Center, Lancaster, PA
"Poetry in Proclamation." Sojourners United Church of Christ Pride Sermon, Charlottesville, VA
"Tender Skepticisms." Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
"Poetry On & Off the Page: A Conversation about ASL Poetics." The Ware Center, First Fridays, Lancaster, PA
"The Welcome Impossibility of ASL Translation." The Poetry Center at Smith College, Northampton, MA
"REAL BOY: A Panel on Transition, Sobriety, & Sound." On Screen/In Person: MidAtlantic Arts Foundation, Lancaster, PA
“I Sing the Body Queer & Crip." AWP Conference, Washington DC
“Women Poets in Publishing.” Panel at University of South Florida Tampa, FL
“What Does a Name Make Possible? ASL Poetry, Trans-Embodiment, & Implant Poetics.” University of South Dakota Vermillion, SD
"Pacing Betweenities: Process, Craft, & the Theory of Lineation.” University of South Dakota
“(Dis)abling Love: Interactions between Queer Poetics & Pedagogy.” National Women Studies Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico
"Call Me By My Other Name: ASL poetry, Trans-Embodiment, and Implant Poetics." Columbia College Chicago, IL
Voices on Point Gala, Point Foundation. Los Angeles, CA
"Small Presses & University Literary Journals." Utah Festival for the Book, Salt Lake City, UT
“Deaf Poetics & Trans* Embodiment: Creativity & Performance of the Self.” Multicultural Symposium, Wright Institute of Psychology, Berkeley, CA
“Implant Poetics, Embodied Betweenity, and the Kinships Possible for Trans* & ASL Poetry.” Border Identities: Bodies in Transition Panel, (Dis)Embodied Disciplines Conference: Blurring Boundaries in the Academy, University of Arizona
“This Assignment Is So Gay: Managing Your Queerness in Your Classroom.” Teaching While Queer Panel, AWP, Seattle, WA
“Implant Poetics & Trans* Embodiment: How can a trans* reading of an ASL poem inform our understanding of embodiment, gender, & performativity in contemporary poetics?” Prosthetic Poetics Panel, PAMLA, San Diego, CA
“Trans* & Deafness.” Queer Disability Poetics Panel, Austin Unbound Film Screening, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
“Betweenity in ASL Poetics.” Gender Hybrids Bodies, Small Press Traffic, San Francisco, CA
“Performance Poetics & HipHop.” Guest Lecture, DeAnza College, Concord, CA
“Implant Poetics.” Disability Poetics Panel, PAMLA, Claremont College
“High on Line/breaks: Slam Poetry & Rehabilitated Teens.” Teaching Artists of California, DeYoung Museum, San Francisco
“The Sins of Our Idols: Poetry & LGBTQIIA Youth.” San Francisco Teachers in the Arts, Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco
“The Document: An investigation in the remains.” Small Press Traffic, San Francisco, CA
“Radical Pedagogies: Hip Hop in the Undergraduate Composition Course.” That’s a Good Question: Pedagogy in the 21st Century, California Pedagogical Conference, Mills College
“Creativity & the Brain: Your Students on Poetry.” Writing the Ship: New Directions in Teaching Composition, California Pedagogical Conference, Mills College